Homeward Bound Newsletter October 2023 | The Brian Kondo Real Estate Team
Wednesday, October 25, 2023

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October always surprises me with how eventful of a month it is. The kids may have just settled back to school, and somehow before you know it Thanksgiving is around the corner! Maybe your older kids are coming back home for the holiday weekend, or you're attending a Thanksgiving play at your little one's school. And just like that, it's time to go costume shopping! If you are doing the rounds this spooky season or giving out candy, here are some top tips I have picked up along the way for trick or treating:
• Keep it bright: dark colours are harder to see at night. Dress your kids up in bright costumes or add reflective accessories so you can see them better. Glow sticks work great for this, and the kids will love them too!
• Go in groups: While it may be cool to dress up as a lone wolf, it's definitely not safe to go trick-or treating out as one. If your tiny humans are under 12, make sure an adult is around to supervise. If they're older, consider turning on a mobile tracker app so you can follow their progress from home.
Consider food allergies: Your favourite treat may be a peanut butter cup, but it may prove deadly for some little ones! You can choose to have two bowls - one with allergen treats and one without, or simply just carry only candy that is peanut-free and possibly dairy free! That way everyone can still have fun.
Crisp weather and pumpkin spice make fall a cozy time of the year, exactly the kind of atmosphere to encourage people shopping for a new home to imagine themselves curling up by the fireplace in a new abode. While real estate sales traditionally peak in the spring, did you know that fall is the second busiest season in the real estate market year? The spooky season offers you the perfect excuse to go house hunting while trick or treating, helping you get to know your neighbourhood better and possibly fall in love with your new dream home.
(see next page)
A real estate team with experience,
proven results and a give-back philosophy!
My heart breaks for many young people and families who will not be able to enjoy this fun time of the year out trick or treating or going to Halloween parties.
As you know, tragedy falls on many in this life. Tragedies like sickness, cancers and other nasty diseases. We aim to do what we can to help kids who are unable to get out and have fun right now, due to these evil health problems.
We are on a mission to raise for the Children's Miracle Network (CMN), which in turn donates 100% of funds raised to a local hospital, The local hospital in our area is The Hospital For Sick Children (SickKids).
Did you know that SickKids is embarking on the largest fundraiser in Canadian health care history? As of right now, they are at 75% of their $1.3 billion dollar goal. Every dollar donated to their campaign aims to build a new hospital and bring Ontarians closer to their young patients.
If you've ever been in the unfortunate position where you've had to bring your child to SickKids, you will know they perform miracles in that space. Especially because the current hospital was built for fewer patients and simpler challenges.
In 2023, it is hard to perform state of the art work in a building built in 1949. The SickKids VS campaign celebrates the resilient spirit of its patients, families, and staff. They overcome the physical and medical obstacles that are faced in front of them every day. Imagine what they could do with the proper equipment and facilities.
Gives Back
AND remember, your REFERRALS help the Kids!.
Anyone you know considering buying or selling a home please refer them on over to my real estate sales team. Not only will they benefit from our award-winning service, but a very worthy cause will benefit as well. Simply call me direct at 905-683-7800 or forward my number on.
As you will see throughout this month’s homeward bound, pictures are worth more than words. Whether it's the smiling faces of beautiful young people gaining a chance at long life, or the determined faces of our great company people working to help, we are committed to the mission of Go Serve Big!!!
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Homeward bound Newsletter OCTOBER 2023 |
A real estate team with experience, proven results and a give-back philosophy! |
Over the last three decades of helping over two thousand families sell their home and/or buy another, we have met some wonderful, loving, caring people.
People like you! So your referrals can rest assured that not only will they get the award-winning service we are known for and the guarantee to back it up, but that a solid portion of the income we receive will go toward a very worthy cause.
Refer your friends, neighbours, associates or family members considering making a move: |
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You can pass along my name and contact information to them. Brian Kondo, 905-683-7800, brian@briankondo.com |
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You can go to www.ReferForSickKids.com and enter their contact info online or forward the link to someone you know considering a move. |
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Of course you can always call me yourself at 905-683-7800 or email me at brian@briankondo.com |
Why I Support Children’s Miracle Network & SickKids Hospital:
Stay Connected“, “Follow Us | |||