Get Rich In Real Estate Investing - Part Two - Yard Signs
Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Tried and true, a good yard sign right on the front lawn of a home for sale or rent is the sign of a pro. This may seem obvious but there are some who don’t think it’s necessary or can’t be bothered.
It's amazing that someone will buy a property for several hundred thousand dollars and then invest zero or next to zero on a good yard sign. Worse still, they buy one but let it sit in the trunk of their car.
If you are going to get rich as a real estate investor you must use a yard sign. A huge percentage of tenants for student rentals, regular single-family home rentals, and lease option rentals come from the immediate surrounding area. It's either by a friend walking by the house who sees the sign and passes on the information, or a family member who lives in the area and is looking for a place for their extended family, or someone out on a drive just scouting the area for a good home.
Those little 8" by 9" black and red "For Rent" signs can work but you really should use a big professional sign. The type a realtor would use. You want this sign to stand right in the middle of the lawn using a solid frame to hold it up. Home-made signs fall down, blow over, deteriorate to mulch in the rain and just don't get the job done. Invest in a solid sign. At most, you're looking at a few hundred dollars. If you really want to get rich in real estate investing, you won't let a small investment like a lawn sign stand in your way.
Without a sign, people need to be mind readers to figure out if your house is available for rent or for sale.
Here’s a story for you. There was an investor who really wanted to get rich in real estate investing. He spent thousands of dollars on training courses, started working with a real estate agent, then took time to find a property, ran all the numbers, lined up financing, set up a partnership with a family member and bought the house. They ran some ads in the paper but didn't put up a yard sign... didn't think it was necessary. Well, after a few weeks of not placing anyone in their rental property, they got nervous.
They reached out to their agent and after learning they hadn't done the obvious thing and let people in the area know their house was available, they took their agent’s advice and finally put up a yard sign. The very same week a couple signed up to lease the home. The couple who signed the lease made a comment that went something like this:
"We were on this street last week looking for a place and didn't even realize this home was available."
Ouch! The professional real estate investor knows that to get rich in real estate investing you need to take this business seriously. Advertising your property with something as basic as a yard sign may sound simple, but it's a key ingredient that beginners often ignore.
Hope you found this helpful. Next Wednesday, we’ll continue this topic with: Get Rich In Real Estate Investing – Part Three – Massive Action.
If you are thinking about becoming a real estate investor yourself, or you are already an investor and would like to leverage your current investment(s) into more properties, or you are looking to sell one or more of your investment properties, give me a call at 905-683-7800 and I’ll be more than happy to answer and all of your questions.
Thanks For Reading Today’s BLOG!
Brian Kondo
Sales Representative / Team Leader
The Brian Kondo Real Estate Team
Re/Max Hallmark First Group Realty Ltd.
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